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中英文都寫過, 又有譯過internal document...都有d悶, 因為同一個topic下下都要寫兩三篇

呢篇係第一篇用英文寫而又勁快咁登左出街ge press release呀

一定有比senior改過架啦, 但依然好有成功感, 因為英文版竟然比人改得少過中文版!!!

yeah yeah yeahhhhhhh




printed media就寫過明報wwf column, 雜誌capital weekly, capital entreperneur, aqua-zone, 醫藥人

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  • Sep 28 Tue 2010 23:56
  • WWF

pict7866_central_office_loretta_luk_3360.jpg WWF office @ Central

Today is my first day at WWF.

Wrote one article for Capital Weekly, another for WWF's column in Yahoo and proofread some to-be-published work in one morning.

Ummmmm I think I like this job. :-D

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又過左一個星期, 過多一個星期就甩難!! :-D

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  • Jul 25 Sun 2010 11:53
  • Week 3


好: 大部分weekdays 學生都cancel補習, 星期日又比我cancel左, 雖然冇左收入, 但係終於可以relax下

黑: 最差ge一個星期5!!!星期5 suppose係一個星期入面最完美ge一日, 點知由lunch開始問題百出, 仲有導師要入醫院, 搞到我plan好, 會令我好開心ge野做唔到!!!

星期6, social outing... 本來佢地去ocean park, 私石以名正言順唔去啦, 因為morning唔得閒+唔中意rides

但最後佢地去左香港動植物公園... 同其中一個我以為會早到ge TA講左話我唔去, 點知條友就又冇出現, 結果成村人係個garden等我, 搞到我勁不負責任咁...

不過我都唔o岩, 唔記得左sms果班uk人... 唉...

其實, 我唔係唔中意同佢地去玩, 但係我一個星期見足佢地5日, 好攰啦...

星期6, 日, 就比我做d我自己想做ge事, 見我想見ge人啦...

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  • Jul 06 Tue 2010 21:18
  • WTH


What the heck!!

Why am I doing this to myself ?

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My five-week internship at Crossroads finished yesterday. Things did not end perfectly, but I think they are fine. There are some regrets but I believe I can make up for them when I am back. I love the people here and I come back for them. Looking forward to seeing them again in August! :-)

The camp will kick off tomorrow. This morning I met some of the Canadian teachers, but not my own team- the UK teachers. Unsurprisingly, we have 99% female. They are nice so I think we will have a great time together. I will be the MC of the welcome reception tomorrow evening. I hope everything will go well.

Have been pretty relaxed last week because of fewer tutoring lessons with my primary students. But everything will start again in the coming week but I will try my best to give myself one holiday per week for rest or whatever. Six weeks is not a long time but not short either. I just hope it will be a meaningful and happy one. Wish me LUCK!!

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personal care.JPG 

Research on fairtrade personal care products!!!

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Super bored.

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好多好多年沒有盪過秋千了。(然後也給偷拍了。= =)

上次帶朋友到crossroads, 看到秋千, 心血來潮就坐上去了。

現在吃過午飯後, 都想去玩一下, 希望可以甩掉一些脂肪…XDDDDDD

嗯嗯嗯, 其實就這樣搖來搖去也挺無聊的。可是, 很舒服。:-)

想要再打高一點, 看遠一點。

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This is the Africa corner in the shop that I work in. :-)

I am now working at the marketplace at Crossroads Foundation. This is a shop that sells all kinds of fair trade stuff. The shop is a really cool place with all the products and the decoration. This Monday I brought some friends over and I am very glad that they like it!


Different parts of the shop are decorated as different continents accorrding to the products in that specific area. The left one above is the silk road and the right one is central/south America. We have goods from China, India and Cambodia of course but also a lot of cool stuff from Israel, Kenya and places that I did not even hear of. I must confess that I am not very familiar with the products yet, but the product variety is so wide that I can discover new things everytime I explore the store.


We even have spices! And I really like the butterflies ornament near the cashier. In the background is our best-selling item - CHOCOLATE. The chocolate is really good! I have tried the 70% dark chocolate, fruit and nut dark chocolate and white chocolate with strawberry. :-) Fair trade stuff does not necessarily mean expensive stuff, but the truth is - things we have are usually with a higher price comparing with non-fair trade stuff.


My job duties... Last two weeks I spent a lot of time with another girl who works there tidying things up. We also have to organize things into different cupboards and store rooms. We did a lot of sorting...which was really boring and sometimes, meaningless. Luckily, we have some more important responsibilities after the manual labour duties. I made the X'mas gift catalogue for the staff last week and I have some research for personal care products to do and some guidelines documents to write in the coming weeks.


People here are all very nice. I feel warm when I see people smiling at me and saying 'Hello!', even though they do not know me at all. I was quite nervous when I told them I had to leave early for the summer camp because I dont want to cause anybody any trouble. Instead of telling me that I am an irresponsible person, they encourage me to do whatever I want and whatever reasonable to Crossroads. I really appreciate their generosity and kindness to all interns. It makes me more willing to come back even after my internship and this summer. :-)

In three week's time, I will have to leave early for the Cosmo summer camp. But I will have to come back to finish my internship hours. Though I like the shop a lot, I'd prefer working in the office with Josh to do the research and all the writing stuff when I come back...

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雖然gpa ge打擊都幾大, 不過因為實在太忙啦, 一星期做足7日, 完全冇時間唔開心!!

充實ge時間實在太好, 尤其是天氣好ge時候(雖然我唔中意同陽光玩遊戲), 心情堅好!

仲未有時間影下我工作ge地方~ 搵日lunch+收工周圍影下先!! the place is real cool!!

遊學團冇得帶啦, 唔花時間explain, 要知ge我已經講左比你知:-)

不過塞翁失馬, 焉知非福, 我又一定有為自己鋪後路ge~而家ge intern完左有2樣野可以揀~

1. 天官補習班

2. Cosmopolitan 2010 Youth summer camp, teaching assistant

之前都諗住疊埋心水番天官, 今日竟然比我收到cosmo封appointment letter...

都開心ge~ 諗住in得唔好, intake又少(6人爭1位), 都未必有得做~ 但係而家又得左:-)

最開心係有機會同oxford同cambridge ge undergrad合作...

最衰有一個week同crossroads overlap左.... 而家都唔知點算...

唔想任何一邊覺得我take左個job但又唔盡晒d responsibilities...

另外, 講錢ge話... 一定係天官份工搵得多d架啦, 不過我真係好中意同外國人有cultural exchange~

所以應該take cosmo份job啦... 不過都係問清楚overlap果個星期點先....

突然間覺得呢個summer一定會勁fruitful呀~ yeahhhh

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  • May 03 Mon 2010 13:07
  • 死啦

唔通呢個暑假真係要去沖咖啡= =?

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真係悶到死左... 有工開仲呻我都覺得好衰, 但真係好悶

雖然唔駛用腦係好輕鬆, 但不停咁copy & paste真係dry到傻

我已經做左幾千個entries, 即係o禁左幾千次ctrl+c同ctrl+v...就黎有職業病啦...

不過都仲有幾千個entries仲未做完...真係沒完沒了架...雖冇deadline, 但要係31號搞掂佢啦


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acct professor 的工作又開始了~~工作一個接一個~~

最輕鬆的是可以在家工作, 自己time自己~加油加油!

money money money~~~

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Teaching is really exhausting.


I need FUN to cheer myself up!


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I hate doing this ligitation file that I am working on...
BORING!! and I avoid working on this for a long time...
I am glad that I was not good enough to study the LLB prog,
or I would commit suicide soon enough

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Recently Ive become a student helper, helping a prof at PAC dept to collect data...
the above is wt Ive done

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唔怪之得我日日都咁TIRED... 一星期5至6日係咁補...暑sem又日日有功課& test做
勁chur住問我加鐘, 上堂做/教左d咩, 係唔係跟足考試範圍黎教
大佬呀!! 英文ge野, 小一到中六都係教一樣ge grammar架啦!
tense, preposition呢d野必考架啦, 就算我真係冇跟貼晒, 唔通我就唔係教緊英文?!
如果剩係識考試範圍d野, 想英文好都幾難啦!!!!!!
一個月得31日, 我要補33堂... 但係又唔知d錢駛晒去邊架喎!!
如果大阪之旅去唔成, 我咁辛苦都唔知為乜。

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四月尾係會辛苦d, 不過成個五月就得閒好多架啦!
打算補習補習補習之餘, 應該會讀暑sem呀, 希望reg到啦!

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