快死了, 連續2天只睡了共6小時。今早更走了mgt的課。

亢龍有悔, 兩份paper的好grade, 換來三份paper的爛grade,

結果現在好不容易才建立的自信開始漸漸崩潰... 果然是爛人一個。

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I hv bought myself my birthday present this year....

I hv never bought things as expensive as this.....orz

Impulse can kill.

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Next Tue I hv to hand in an Opposite-Editorial assignment, so I wrote my first draft last Thur night and sent it to my tutor, to see if my points are really lame and there are any logical fallacies. Then she wrote back, with some positive comments which I think are actually useless since she didnt want to discourage me. She mentioned at the end of her comment that my writing style and the topic I hv chosen reminded her a lot an American Op-Ed coloumnist, Maureen Dowd who had her lastest book published.

The title of the book is "Are Men Necessary?"


One day, I will definitely read this book. Look at the cover, it's just hilarious!!!!

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  • Oct 04 Sun 2009 00:46
  • 感動

其實, 我真心覺得自己很容易受感動。

在火車上看到里奧熱內盧成功申辦2016奧運, 巴西總統在哭的時候我也想哭。

晚上看到america's got talent, 表演者努力演出, 親友努力打氣, 我也想哭。

這些都是一些美麗的事, 最讓我感動的是看到一些人堅毅不朽地付出努力, 他們太偉大了。

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Mouthwatering Curry Experience in the CUHK

If you happen to be a curry lover, the Indian restaurant, New Delhi, which is located in Chung King Mansions in Tsim Sha Tsui must be your favourite place to go. However, have you ever imagined that you can also find such delicious curry in one of the student canteens on the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong?

        Walking into the Coffee Shop in Li Wai Chun Building, I could smell the canteen was scented with the spices of Indian curry. My mouth suddenly watered. Immediately I joined the queue, waiting for my turn to order my Chicken Curry with rice ($30). The queue moved fast since the kitchen staff was very efficient. Customers can observe the environment in which their food is made while they are waiting. Hygiene of a restaurant always concerns me and Coffee Shop does a good job to keep its kitchen bright and clean. During my inspection, “Chicken Curry!” the staff called to me so I picked up my dish and paid at the cashier.

        My Chicken Curry with rice looked handsome with the orange-colored sauce and the side-dish – a few slices of cucumber and tomato. I couldn’t wait for my first bite of the chicken. The chicken went great with the curry in that its taste was not overwhelmed but brought out by the spices. Although the chef cooked with chicken breast of which the texture could be rough, it was all juicy and soft, slowly sliding down along my throat with the curry to my stomach. The fluffy white rice was also so well cooked that it was not sticky at all. Watching the faint steam rising from the warm rice, I couldn’t help myself feeling satisfied and blissful. After several spoonfuls of heavy-tasted curry and rice, I would like to have something fresh and light for a change. Then I realized that the side-dish vegetables were exactly what I was looking for. The cucumber slices were so fresh that they were almost crispy while the tomato slices were all luscious and in the colour of lovely red. Enjoying the meal and feeling contented, I had my two thumbs up for the chef for this delightful dish!

        After I had finished my Curry Chicken with rice, I looked around and discovered that the interior of the restaurant is rather plain. There are no fancy tablecloths, expensive furniture or spectacular views. However, when you see the satisfying expression on students’ faces, you will understand that the most important thing about a restaurant is its taste. Coffee Shop is able to offer that although the food price here is much higher than that of other canteens. It is worth having a try at Coffee Shop! And if you see Chicken Curry on the menu, don’t hesitate! Order one for yourself and you can share my most unforgettable mouthwatering curry experience!


A piece of critical writing handed in last week! :-)

My first food review.....

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Oh I didnt realize that I had handed in 6 assignments already in the past 3 school weeks until I checked my folder just now.

It isnt a life that non-English majors can imagine.

Of course, I am not saying that other majors are relaxing or something, but only complaining the somewhat heavy workload of my major.:-P

Still I love my CENG course. The only course that I can do well, or at least, not disappoint myself. Though I do feel diappointed when I get my instructive writing back.

Projects of the MGT and MKT courses are coming.

More due dates are approaching. Also mid-terms.

Tried to study this afternoon but something really unpleasant happened.

Why does everyone keep letting me down?

To make myself feel better, I turned to my pillow, blanket and mattress for some comfort AND wasted my afternoon.

I hv only read 3 chapters of the management book borrowed from the library. What a LOSER I am.

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  • Sep 27 Sun 2009 15:34
  • 共犯



你我原是共犯 ,



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"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett

我認我out!! 而家先睇呢套戲......上果時成日都抽唔到時間去睇...:-p

因為modernism要讀呢個story, 所以先睇戲呀!! 不過根本係2個故事黎ge, 不過都好正

睇到最尾都感動到喊....仲有我勁想大嗌: cate真係好靚!!!!!!!!!!!

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a cheer-up song! lift my spirit a bit...:-)

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