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Sem 1 GPA is out.

都滿意架啦… 下sem繼續加油!!

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終於終於完晒啦~ 不過都係一如既往, 考完試係empty多過happy!


今個sem成日都話好忙好忙, 雖然有d位會好辛苦, 不過都幾充實...

比起讀書 reading paper project present, 其實私補先係最辛苦...

不過為左錢, 都冇辦法啦!! 而家冇用屋企錢, 其實感覺都幾好, 只係需要自己交待


希望今個sem gpa唔好仲差過之前果d啦...

如果唔係都唔知點追, 因為之前都已經唔好... 我個hon呀...=_=

今個sem好似多左朋友, 其實都幾開心。


朋友快d date我啦, 好想唱k同食好野呀!

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Sem Break finally comes!!!

STILL, there are papers to be finished.....

1. CENG Opinion Essay - 5 pages  (8am, 4th DEC)

2. IELTS (morning, 5-6th DEC)

3. ENG2370A Final paper - 7 pages (5pm, 7th DEC)

4. MKT written report - 10 pages (5pm, 7th DEC)

5. ENG3280 Final Essay - 7 pages (5pm, 9th DEC)

6. TOEFL (morning, 12th DEC)


1. Modernism 14th DEC

2. From Romanticism to Modernism 17th DEC

3. Principles of Management 21st DEC

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原來compared with toefl, ielts真係唔難架喎= =

toefl真係難10倍...9點non-stop考到1點(er, 中間10mins break lor), 真係想死

reading勁長勁多勁難, (20+40+40)=100mins non-stop, 睇到人都顛

listening勁衰, 唔係睇住題目黎聽, 都唔知自己應該聽d咩重點= =

speaking time control唔到, 次次都比部電腦stop...grammatical mistakes!!!


唉.......... $14xx bye bye!!

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呢兩日要晨咁早彈起身出去考試, 搞到我前果晚都要好早訓覺,

結果咩都做唔到, 聽日5PAGES ge essay一粒字都冇呀......

星期6果朝去到, 勁多人。做listening>reading>writing~

好耐冇試過再考番呢類public exam, 之前又冇做pastpaper, 真係有d唔慣+淆底...

做listening ge時候又未訓醒, load得好慢....而家係reading份卷比較有信心。

writing差d唔夠時間做, graph果part寫得唔好, 又唔organised....

今朝speaking好緊張, 又答非所問咁, 唉...真係唔太樂觀!!


唉..... $1500.... bye bye!!

同埋我想話, 我唔需要係酒店考咁high class囉! o徒晒applicants d錢!!


唉... 下個sat就toefl... 真係要prep下啦

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I have never seen such a ridiculous, arrogant and stupid person like this one!

I can't imagine I am gonna play his persona during the panel discussion!!!

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10-page paper due tomorrow.


1. Autobiography 7-8 pages

2. CENG Panel discussion - Biographical sketch 150 words

3. Modernism present

4. Three marketing researches

5. Mock exchange interview with Allyson

6. Individual + Group interview for the UK Study Tour

7. CENG Feature report first draft 5 pages

Endless work awaits.

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  • Nov 03 Tue 2009 01:06
  • OMFG!

Oh my fuXking god!

I didn't realize that I have a 10-12 pages long paper due next week...

how am i going to finish that!!!?

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roman night.jpg 

My Romantic Night.

Struggling with romantic poems written by romantic poets.

Writing a paper on Romanticism for the course "From Romanticism to Modernism".

Lots of notes. Scattered on my bed.

Lots of Moanings. Coming from my mouth.

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I'm not sure if there is anyone who would be interested in my assignment, but I really enjoyed writing this piece. Posting here doesnt mean a good grade.(I mean it! Not being humble/hypocritical...) I just like my idea.:-) It would be great if someone voice out their opinion after reading this!


When There Are More Than One

        While most singles are looking for “the one”, there are some people enjoying the company of several spouses. A few days ago, I came across a news story about a South African, Milton Mbhele, who married four brides at the same wedding (Yahoo! news). When I told my friends this story, they immediately protested in distaste about the inequality from which women suffer. Polygamy has been condemned by feminists as they think it is a challenge to their belief. However, when I come to think about the issue critically (as I have been taught for all those years in school!), I find that polygamy may not be as wrong as what people suggest. Surely I am not a polygamist but I would like to investigate the issue from another angle, discussing the freedom of marriage and trying to defend polygamy, if you like to put it that way.

        Polygamy is a practise inherited from the past but is now forbidden in many countries, which adopt monogamy as their institution of marriage instead. People believe in monogamy because they think that loyalty to their partner is vital for their relationship. However, I wonder if it really is loyalty. Or is it just a fancy name of the selfishness, possessiveness and insecurity that make someone want to be “the one” of her partner? If it is the case, I guess monogamy can then be regarded as a tool to curb someone’s freedom to love others. Mhbele’s youngest wife, Smangele Cele said she didn’t care that she had to share her husband with other women because they truly loved each other. The generosity she showed, in my opinion, is no less important than love to make a relationship work. However, monogamists disapprove this kind of generosity so I wonder if monogamy is one of the major successes of feminism, then can it possibly be a regression of freedom in a relationship as well? If a man has the freedom to marry the one he loves, then why can’t he marry the ones whom he has the same feelings to protect and to commit, as long as he can keep the wedding vow valid? What a paradox!

        I tried very hard to talk my friends, who despised polygamy, into agreeing my point of view above. Finally they succumbed to admit the questionable freedom of marriage in monogamous societies. One of them actually raised an interesting point that polygamy can ease certain women’s domestic lives because some women cannot stand the sheer attentiveness, sexual or mental, of their husbands if they are the only wife in the house. Similarly, isn’t it great to have someone else to share the loathsome chores? We cannot simply eradicate the possibility of a woman being totally willing to share her husband. Clearly, polygamy is not only about the freedom of men but also the freedom of women! Therefore, it is better not to deny polygamy but be open-minded about it as we never want to deny any freedom of any party.


"South African man marries 4 women at same time." Yahoo! News. 27 Sept 2009.  <http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090927/ap_on_re_af/af_south_africa_quadruple_wedding>.

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快死了, 連續2天只睡了共6小時。今早更走了mgt的課。

亢龍有悔, 兩份paper的好grade, 換來三份paper的爛grade,

結果現在好不容易才建立的自信開始漸漸崩潰... 果然是爛人一個。

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Next Tue I hv to hand in an Opposite-Editorial assignment, so I wrote my first draft last Thur night and sent it to my tutor, to see if my points are really lame and there are any logical fallacies. Then she wrote back, with some positive comments which I think are actually useless since she didnt want to discourage me. She mentioned at the end of her comment that my writing style and the topic I hv chosen reminded her a lot an American Op-Ed coloumnist, Maureen Dowd who had her lastest book published.

The title of the book is "Are Men Necessary?"


One day, I will definitely read this book. Look at the cover, it's just hilarious!!!!

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Mouthwatering Curry Experience in the CUHK

If you happen to be a curry lover, the Indian restaurant, New Delhi, which is located in Chung King Mansions in Tsim Sha Tsui must be your favourite place to go. However, have you ever imagined that you can also find such delicious curry in one of the student canteens on the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong?

        Walking into the Coffee Shop in Li Wai Chun Building, I could smell the canteen was scented with the spices of Indian curry. My mouth suddenly watered. Immediately I joined the queue, waiting for my turn to order my Chicken Curry with rice ($30). The queue moved fast since the kitchen staff was very efficient. Customers can observe the environment in which their food is made while they are waiting. Hygiene of a restaurant always concerns me and Coffee Shop does a good job to keep its kitchen bright and clean. During my inspection, “Chicken Curry!” the staff called to me so I picked up my dish and paid at the cashier.

        My Chicken Curry with rice looked handsome with the orange-colored sauce and the side-dish – a few slices of cucumber and tomato. I couldn’t wait for my first bite of the chicken. The chicken went great with the curry in that its taste was not overwhelmed but brought out by the spices. Although the chef cooked with chicken breast of which the texture could be rough, it was all juicy and soft, slowly sliding down along my throat with the curry to my stomach. The fluffy white rice was also so well cooked that it was not sticky at all. Watching the faint steam rising from the warm rice, I couldn’t help myself feeling satisfied and blissful. After several spoonfuls of heavy-tasted curry and rice, I would like to have something fresh and light for a change. Then I realized that the side-dish vegetables were exactly what I was looking for. The cucumber slices were so fresh that they were almost crispy while the tomato slices were all luscious and in the colour of lovely red. Enjoying the meal and feeling contented, I had my two thumbs up for the chef for this delightful dish!

        After I had finished my Curry Chicken with rice, I looked around and discovered that the interior of the restaurant is rather plain. There are no fancy tablecloths, expensive furniture or spectacular views. However, when you see the satisfying expression on students’ faces, you will understand that the most important thing about a restaurant is its taste. Coffee Shop is able to offer that although the food price here is much higher than that of other canteens. It is worth having a try at Coffee Shop! And if you see Chicken Curry on the menu, don’t hesitate! Order one for yourself and you can share my most unforgettable mouthwatering curry experience!


A piece of critical writing handed in last week! :-)

My first food review.....

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I'm sooooo tired.

Everyday I come back late becoz of different events and the tutoring job.

Every night I have to do my assignments, prep my lessons and finish the readings.

Last night I put everything aside and slept continuosly for 10 precious hours.

And now I have to pay for that, working on my assignment of creative writing.


This week is toturous. Cant go back home directly after sch.

Tutoring on Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri evening and Sat whole day.

Briefing of a program I joined on Tue evening.


Still, I had a nice chat with Hui sir tonight...:-)

gotta have lunch/dinner with my beloved sec sch teachers sometime!!

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New academic year, new semster, new courses, new professors and new tutors.

Last Thursday was the due day of my two writings of the CENG courses and i got them back today.

I am sooooooooooo flattered by the A- of my 1 page autobiography!!

I am the kind of person who needs to be encouraged. And the grade does its job very well.


Yet i was soooooo frustrated during my "From Romanticism to Modernism" tutorial...

I HATE poetry!!!!!!!

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08:30 – 9:15



UCC 105





09:30 – 10:15






10:30 – 11:15



ELB 302

Writing a life between language



TCW 302



11:30 – 12:15






12:30 – 01:15



ENG3280 Tutorial

UCC 105

ENG2370A Tutorial

SHB 503


01:30 – 02:15



TCW 301

ENG3120 Tutorial



ELB 204



02:30 – 03:15


UCC 201






Fr. Romanticism to Modernism





03:30 – 04:15



04:30 – 05:15







05:30 – 06:15







Ummmm 最後ge timetable應該係咁啦....今個sem 18credits算啦...

其實仲心思思add唔add多個UG, 不過時間夾唔到, 加有vacancy ge course都唔係好想讀果d...

但係睇落個timetable好空囉!!! 唔計assembly只番19個鐘....

星期一果堂真係唔知點咁... 零零舍舍番2個鐘...明明星期3有時間上堂!!!

不過其實 d course ge reading又好chur喎......唉.....仲有d補習, 真係想死!!!


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一踏入9月, 個人真係攰10倍(←但明明呢條友根本未開學!!)

天官補習班之後, 有一排唔駛早起身~d私補都去下旅行, 都ok放鬆

好耐冇試過一日補3個學生啦...so tired!!! =_=

開左學就要開始操APC, paper+reading都會湧埋黎, 又冇宿比我好relax咁過日子

真係唔知點算...最慘就係有個勁shitty ge timetable!!!

本身reg 21 credits, 排左星期1有day-off!! 而家reg得16 credits不特止,

星期5果班PTH仲要cancel左, 剩番一班係monday係冇撞major....

咁即係點呀!!??? day-off都冇埋!? 想我死咩...........................



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我日文(I) A左呀...哈哈哈哈, 係真A, 而唔係A-果D....

不過點解唔係計埋落CGPA度架...拉高唔到SEM 1&2 ge GPA...>_<

ANYWAY, 好滿足。加油, sem 2要繼續take~~~

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