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好想去旅行呀! 次次都係得個講字, 但係一計數就打退堂鼓...唉唉唉冇志氣!


9月難得遲開學, 有冇可能去到呢?

anna, lili, irene, 不如你地走一個禮拜堂同我去旅行啦

ting2312 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

  • Jun 15 Mon 2009 15:36
  • WTF


i can finally experience the gravity of the Swine Flu issue BECAUSE
both my Sichuan and Osaka trip are cancelled due to this damn disease!!

oh my god!!!!! how come my holiday turn into a totally meaningless one in one night!?

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