目前分類:情有獨鐘 (31)

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昨天在沙田逛逛, 又買了兩本書, 都是mitch albom寫的。

之前以為這個作者的書都很哲學, 會很難懂, 而且不想看已經太popular的書, 所以一直都沒有買。

記得上學期有個prof問我們最喜歡的書是哪一本, 很多人都說是這本。

拿上手翻翻, 很簡易的英文, 有趣的討論。買!

很久沒有看書這麼快了, 也因為這本書根本不厚, 內容很溫馨, 非常容易消化。

好幾次被感動得流下淚來, 暗想:「如果我能遇上這樣的一位老師就好了。」



下一本: five people you meet in heaven

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I almost wish we were butterflies and could live three summer’s days – three such days with you could fill with more delight than fifty common years ever contain.  ~John Keats

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Irish poet: William Butler Yeats


(I hvnt read any of his poems)

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OH MY GOD, how come a movie poster can be this beautiful and romantic!!!?



Bright Star by John Keats

Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors--
No--yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever--or else swoon to death.

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CHICAGO The musical Hong Kong

8pm, June 3 (Thu) , HKAPA Lyric Theatre

The movie of Chicago is one of my favourite.

CHICAGO, Here I come!!!   

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My target!!!! Pentax K-x!!

I am going to get it before I go to the US!

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  • Mar 04 Thu 2010 21:15
  • SATC 1

this is my most favourite scene in the movie...

I can see how female friendship sparkles.

If I've got a girlfriend as great as Charlotte here, I wont need a man.:-)

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The sweetest ad I've ever seen.

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"Two Bodies"
Otavio Paz


Two bodies face to face
Are at times two waves
And night is an ocean.

Two bodies face to face
Are at times two stones
And night a desert.

Two bodies face to face
Are at times two roots
Laced into night.

Two bodies face to face
Are sometimes two knives
And night strikes sparks.

Two bodies face to face
Are two stars falling
In an empty sky.

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"Noli me tangere, for Caesar's I am,
And wild for to hold, though I seem tame."

Whoso list to hunt, by Thomas Wyatt

Two very romantic punch lines of the whole poem...

"Noli me tangere" is "Don't touch me" in Latin.

If the lady was to refuse her suitor, she could have said "Leave me alone!" or "Go away!"

But it seems there is so much affection in Noli me tangere, because she is warning her suitor that he might be hurt if he came closer.

For she uses the word "touch", they must have come very close already.

It sounds like "if you touch me at this moment, both of us will fall immediately and can never turn back"...

As if I can feel her pain in Noli me tangere, I can't stop thinking about it all the time....

The lady really cares about this man, though she knows it is impossible for them to be together.

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很久以前就想買相機, 看過不少DC, 也試過想乾脆豪一點買PROSUMER或是入門級的單反。看來看去, 算來算去, 要不資金不夠, 要不就是不捨得花這個錢, 總之就是零行動力。結果買相機的計劃就一直拖, 一個星期前看到別人的BLOG上拍得好美好美的相片, 終於下定決心買相機。自己也想不到, 我的第一部相機, 竟是一部菲林機 Rainbow V。


對啊, 看起來像玩具, 我在濕地公園看到別人專業的單反, 都有點不好意思。:")

就是貪這個便宜, 買了才發現自己不喜歡攝影的話也不心痛嘛。這是一部日光機, 有陽光才能拍。買了好幾天, 天氣都一直不好, 很多雲, 昨天睡醒看見有太陽就帶著這個到濕地公園去了。

F1110001.JPG F1110002.JPG F1110003.JPG F1110004.JPG F1110008.JPG F1110009.JPG F1110010.JPG F1110011.JPG F1110012.JPG F1110014.JPG F1110015.JPG F1110017.JPG F1110018.JPG F1110021.JPG F1110022.JPG F1110023.JPG F1110025.JPG F1110031.JPG F1110032.JPG F1110033.JPG F1110034.JPG F1110035.JPG F1110036.JPG  


以上的相片是e沖c的。可是e沖c不是每間晒相鋪都有做, 昨天就在天水圍跑了4家都沒有。最後還是屈服了, 特地出了旺角。找洗衣街找好久啊…= =" 相片很快就晒好, 老闆娘問:「幾時拎?一個鐘頭之後啦。」我還問了一句:「下?一個鐘頭就有得攞架啦?」沒辦法, 昨天我在天水圍問, 不e沖c都要3天才能拿…天水圍到底是什麼地方啊?= ="

anyway, 相片晒好, 技術/構圖有待改善啦, 不過看著都已經很滿足!!:-)


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New Image.JPG 

to be continued...:-)

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因為有另一個女仔都係12月23生日, 所以大家D common fds就一齊慶祝

食飯之前去左睇sherlock holmes... 西洋動作版ge伽利略...=_=

去左旺角食韓燒, 都係勁講笑之後勁笑咁啦~~

食到咁上下, 就切蛋糕啦~~ 又係super sweet ge chocolate cake:-)

之後我地去左飲野呀!! 朗豪坊13樓the sky bar~


我點左一杯cosmopolitan (睇sex & the city睇得多)~XD


雖然以前都係試過香檳/紅酒同啤酒, 但係都係一兩sip~

今次自己一杯, 突然覺得自己大個左呀~哈哈哈哈

樓下有d liveband係度唱歌, 去到12點就倒數...(我認真覺得x'mas倒數好無聊= =)

一路傾計到2點零先走人, 從來都未試過咁夜番屋企呀...XDDDD

真係HAPPY X'MAS~ 終於有一年平安夜唔係o牛係屋企啦哈哈


Three Best Friends at the English Department! :-)

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今年生日真係大快樂呀, 多左人同左自己慶祝, 多左禮物收, 不過呢D都唔係重點, 最最最令我開心ge係, 我知道多左人將我擺係佢地心入面。

Audrey係一個法國人, yona係一個英國人。
同佢地係網上識, 直到之後出黎見面幾次, 做下language exchange,
傾下閒計, 幾乎每次都傾5個鐘以上…每次都好開心!!
11月尾到呢個月頭都勁忙, 佢地叫我去玩都去唔到,
22號果晚一齊食晚飯, 勁笑, 超開心
我買左x’mas present比佢地, 估唔到佢地都有買比我…
係一隻teddy bear同一張咭。我最中意係張咭,
入面夾左幾張我同佢地ge相, 都係我地見面時佢地偷拍的…XDDDD
雖然我本身既唔特別中意毛公仔, 又唔中意影相,
但我真心覺得勁SWEET…. 大家只係見過幾次, 佢地都出黎做左幾年野,

中同個個都勁忙, 但係都冇唔記得我
不過我都明ge, 所以你番黎要好好補償我!!!
Anna同irene, 多謝你地ge生日驚喜。
我成日覺得你地係最唔會玩surprise ge人,
個生日蛋糕super super sweet!!!!!!多謝呀!!!!

今年係英文系都多左朋友, 又係好開心

同grace & carly一樣咁friend, 依然係咩都講…
好多野真係在心中, 唔知點形容…
勁多謝你地成日係我身邊, 忍我d mean野…XDDD

Ollie 今個sem trans左去translate, 雖然冇得一齊上堂,
但幾乎每個tue都會一齊食lunch… 雖然大家都唔係勁多野講ge人,
但其實每次見都好開心…話時話, 今個sem好似都未試過一齊assembly喎@@
收到你長長ge sms真係好感動呀…i love you arrrr!!>_<
你一D都唔DIFFICULT呀, 睇在你咁靚ge份上, 我會原諒你的!哈哈

今個sem因為ceng/一齊走melissa d lectures而熟左好多,
我地仲有roman study group, 真係勁好!!
下個sem一齊take Melissa, 再一齊走晒佢…XDDDDDD

今個SEM再同Yvonne一齊take MKT,
如果我講錯野, 你要講番比我聽呀!
Thanks for being sooooo patient with me
我地仲有澳洲牛奶公司同荃灣pizza之約!!! Don’t forget~~~^3^

我一直都覺得你好好好好, 想同你再進一步XDDDDDD
所以果晚你同我講ge野, 真係令我10級開心!!>w<
不過我地唔係成日見, 所以之後冇點再真情剖白:-(
我地要再多d一齊玩ahhhhhh~~luv ya***

多謝betty成日比我mean…another victim of my mean-ness…XDD
你都係一個好好ge好人, 希望我地以後多d一齊玩啦

**多謝所有同我講hapi b-day ge英文系同學!!

另外, 前同房, 多謝你記得我生日…XDDDD
But as I said la, I expect something more lor~ 快d約出黎啦…
之前成日都turn down我…=_____=”
唔好成日掛住拍拖啦, 前同房我都好重要架!!!

仲有, 好開心識到venus ahhhh…
好有緣咁今個sem mgt同mkt都一齊讀!!
我地就黎會再見!! Looking forward to our dinner~~


我話我覺得我身邊冇一d隨便敷衍我ge人, 全部都係好人
Ollie話同我性格有關, 因為我對人直率地mean, 忍到我ge就會繼續留係我身邊。
聽到其實好感動, 我要多謝身邊咁多忍我, 包容我, 對我好好ge好人。
Thank you and I love you ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!

Wish u all have a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!

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Not a really good song, but Yamapi looks super great in the MV!!!

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You Know I still Love You Baby.
And it will never change. (Saranghae)

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

Why are you trying to, to make me leave ya
I know what you're thinking
Baby why aren't you listening
How can I just
Just love someone else and
Forget you completely
When I know you still love me

Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know it's not right so
Just stop and come back boy
How can this be
When we were meant to be

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

Why can't we just, just be like this
Cause it's you that I need and nothing else until the end
Who else can ever make me feel the way I
I feel when I'm with you, no one will ever do

Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know me enough so
You know what I need boy
Right next to you is where I need to be.

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I don't want no body, body
I don't want no body, body

Honey you know it's you that I want, it's you that I need
Why can't you see~

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody (2x)

Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Nothing else matters other than you and me
So tell me why can't it be
Please let me live my life my way
Why do you push me away
I don't want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you.

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I have just finished the first two books of the series today.
My only reponse: What a self-torturing couple!!!
How come one can jump off the cliff so as to hear the voice out of her own hallucination?
How could one ask others to kill himself simply because he heard from someone that his lover is dead without going for a check beforehand?
"Romeo and Juliet", huh?

It makes me sick...to a certain extent.

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Les Miserables 10th Anniversary Concert
I have bought it for nearly a month, but only watched it last night.
It is magnificent, no wonder it is claimed as one of the greatest musicals in the world.
I just love it, even better than CATS!

The music is well-composed, the lyrics are well-written and the story is well-presented. Although it is a musical in concert, I feel like I was watching a movie with smooth flow and clear delivery. The music is so powerful that I can feel the desperate mood created right from the prologue. I like everytime Jean and Javert singing against each other when their powerful voices met and merged.

This is actually a story about life, looking into the meaning of life, love and freedom. I am so moved by the passion and determination of the characters who desire for a better world. They planned the revolution. They fought hard. They bled. They lost their battle. And they died.

I cannot help wondering, whether there is anything that I would like to strive hard for. Suddenly I realize that I just don't have the passion of life and I feel lost and frustrated.

Then my tears filled my eyes.
Can I have a moment to be more passionate about things in my life?


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事實證明, 要買書, 真係何需等書展呢?

我諗, 比起衫舖, 鞋舖, CD舖, 我最需要STAY AWAY FROM ge 係書店...

一直想搵books of quotations...今日見到啦, 簡簡單單, 容易消化:)

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