

我還要一點都不緊張, 真的。

都year 3了, 再趕的deadline都試過啦!


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把那些回憶刪掉, 沒有後悔,

但心有點痛, 像是被挖空了一塊。

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中英文都寫過, 又有譯過internal document...都有d悶, 因為同一個topic下下都要寫兩三篇

呢篇係第一篇用英文寫而又勁快咁登左出街ge press release呀

一定有比senior改過架啦, 但依然好有成功感, 因為英文版竟然比人改得少過中文版!!!

yeah yeah yeahhhhhhh




printed media就寫過明報wwf column, 雜誌capital weekly, capital entreperneur, aqua-zone, 醫藥人

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Children's literature paper


Children's Literature Presentation


Literature and Culture Presentation


Other Literatures in English Paper


Other Literatures in English Presentation


After three presentations and two papers, here comes the final year project...

It just...never ends!!! 

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  • Oct 31 Sun 2010 12:45
  • A

I can say,

I would definitely score an A IF I were majoring in Facebook.

I just can't stop myself lingering on FB when I am supposed to be typing my papers and preparing the presentations.

Oh Maybe I should consider deactivating my FB account for the sake of my studies.

And I know I will not. So no worries.


November will be a horrid month.

A lot of projects to work on, the MKTs' and the FYP.

And again, the whole exchange stuff...When I start to think seriously about it, I really have a doubt whether I can survive during my time there....

I am damn scared right now!!!!!

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I feel so beloved when I talk to someone who care to listen.

I feel so beloved when I listen to someone who is willing to share.

I feel so beloved because I know they want me to be happy.

I feel so beloved because there is someone who cares about me.

I feel so warm. Your love makes me smile! :-D

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15 Jan: HK -> Korea -> NY

14 May: NY -> Korea -> HK

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  • Oct 11 Mon 2010 22:18
  • MKT


終於開始意識到什麼是興趣, 什麼不是...我其實很清楚business subject我都不怎喜歡

可是天生不夠瀟灑, 不能想不讀就不讀

云云business科目之中選了marketing, 因為自己appreciate當中還容許有少少creativity的存在

不過看著textbook就想睡, 這些so-called的theories common sense到極點, 有誰不懂?

往往都是紙上談兵, 「吹水」而已!!

不是說自己讀literature有用實際, 因為一點也不, 但至少我讀了一些有趣的東西

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  • Sep 28 Tue 2010 23:56
  • WWF

pict7866_central_office_loretta_luk_3360.jpg WWF office @ Central

Today is my first day at WWF.

Wrote one article for Capital Weekly, another for WWF's column in Yahoo and proofread some to-be-published work in one morning.

Ummmmm I think I like this job. :-D

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其實, 我有時覺得, 係唔係自己太蠢? 定係我同人地ge價值觀真係咁唔同?

補習, 人地收$150一粒鐘, 我最多果個都係收$130…

唔係話自己收得低, 但係點解d人可以收得咁高?

乜原來我地補習真係出左咁多effort架咩? 原來我地ge knowledge係值咁多錢架?

番intern, 個個人第一句就問:「幾錢?」

下, 原來錢真係咁重要架? 好pay就當然好, 但我以為拎experience先係最重要喎

我仲以為冇經驗, bargaining power會少左tim!

究竟係因為我唔夠好所以d人唔出咁多錢, 定係d人overestimate左自己ge value呢?

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